Saturday, July 28, 2007

Liver biopsy

Friday Jason got his liver biopsy. It got delayed because of an emergency. The doctor said everything with the appearance of his liver looked good. We should know the results of the test on Wed or Thurs. It was a lot more sore than thought, they had to put air in his chest cavity which caused his shoulders to be pretty sore. He is seeming better today and he can return to normal activity today though the staples are getting itchy. He has 2 holes one from the camera and one from the needle. We have decided to add an extra day to our Hocking Hills vacation we will be staying from the 7=10th. Everyone is very excited and can't wait. This week the kids continue their swimming lessons they are doing good. Looks like its going to be a hot week. Jason class ends this week and the next class he is taking is Geography.

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