Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day


Happy Father's Day. I bought the kids a pool some cute picc of them using it this weekend. They had a lot of fun with their swimming lessons they did not want them to end. This week will be the last week. I will probably sign them up for another session later in the summer. Jason got an Itunes card and some cologne from the kids for Father's Day. He took Nik to the park, and both of them to the beach for a little while. The kids and I went to my dads for a little bit. The had a lot of fun. Jimmy took Nik in the pond and Nik was scared. Nik still can't swim yet. Though he almost knows how to ride his bike, he can go a little while in the grass before he falls. I am sure he will be riding around everywhere in no time. Jimmy also fished with Nik in the pond. Nik got a big catfish, he was so proud.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered if you were at your Dad's house Yesterday. I was at my Dad's and drove by yours and thought about you. Sounds like you had a fun Weekend. Hope all is well. Give me a call.