Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nik's report card

Nik got his second report card yesterday and he did excellent! At Andrews Osborne they grade on a number system 4- excellent and so on. He received all 3 's and 4's. In Language Arts he got 3's. Math 3's and 4's. Science 3's and 4's. Social Studies 3's and 4's. His teacher said that he is a very bright boy and is progressing nicely. He has improved on taking time in his work and listening on the first time. Rachel will get hers next week. Nik in his second half of kindergarten is going to start focusing on reading in school. Nik also is getting his first adult tooth but the baby one is not loose yet.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Nik!!!!!
Good Job!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I forgot my password so I hit anonymous but it's really Grandma in AK!!!!