Thursday, August 21, 2008

New hair cuts

Nik and Rach got their hair cut in preparation for school. They look pretty good. Here is Nik with his movie star classes. Nik's 2 front teeth are very close to coming out. The one is super loose and should come out any day now. I think the fact that he hit himself in the mouth helped the teeth along a little. Boys will be boys!

Nik starts school on Mon 25th, his teacher is Mrs. Ranallo. They are wearing a more strict uniform this year. Only khaki and navy blue chinos. And navy blue, white, red and light blue, polo shirts. Rachel found out her teacher today she has Mrs. Chung which is who she wanted. But her friend Hannah is in the other class this year. Rachel's first day is Tues 26th. 1st and 5th grade this year, Nik says now that he is 7 he is not a little boy anymore!
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1 comment:

nic said...

landon starts monday, too. school haircuts are tonight. fun times!