Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Great news


The great news is Jason got a raise and it was a nice one for compensating him for taking over the IT position. He will get back pay for the half of April so this will be a nice paycheck. We will have Nik's school for this year all paid for. And then we are paying off the credit cards and hopefully move out of here soon. Then hopefully they will ofer the job to Jason for good, it looks really good that he should get it. But at least he is getting compensated for it and all this hard work he is getting paid for.

Few more pictures of Nik's last day of school. Rachel's last day is June 8th and its only a half day. Rachel went for her 9 yr. old check up. She was 59 lbs and 52 1/4 inches which is 4'3" she will be passing me up soon. Nik is going to his first friend birthday party this weekend. It is the boy from his pre-k class Sam. He is so excited. Rachel has her girl scout ceremony on Friday she is bridging over from a brownie to a girl scout. We saw Shrek 3 on Saturday whith Rachel's friend Hannah. It was great very funny and the girls had a good time. Then on Sunday Rachel went with Hannah's family to see a Captains game they had fun but said it was a little boring. Jason is leaving next Tues for Florida for work. Nik is not to happy about it. Have a great week. My car is getting fixed I hopefully will get it back tomorrow.
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