Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Great grades

Rachel got her report card back last week and she did great! I am so proud of her. She got all A's and B's. This was the first time she got a letter grade for everything. Jason's mom made it back safely to Alaska. Nik doesn't have school today because of voting his preschool is one of the voting places, so they decided not to have school for safety reasons. On Thursday I meet with Nik's teacher from Painesville City Schools to see how he is doing. Today is going to be rainy though warmer this week. I put a picture up of her report card its hard to see though. Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

Great Job Rachel! Aprell she is so smart!

Jason & Aprell Spotz said...

She did great. Mrs. Kramer is hard everyone would tells me be happy with a C.