Sunday, June 29, 2008


Nik went fishing today with my brother Jimmy at my dads house. Here is a pic of one of their catches. Nik was so excited to go. Finally today Rachel is starting to feel better, yesterday her temp. went up to 103.5. They said it could last about a week.
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Thursday, June 26, 2008

My cute little puggies!

Puggies are doing good, they love the fence, and now that Jason built dirt up around the low spots of the bottom of the fence they can run out there with someone watching. Noodles is around 8 lbs we don't think she will be much bigger she is almost 7 months. She is very small for a pug, Izzy is 18lbs and that is normal. I have looked up some info on the Internet and it looks like she could be considered a mini- pug. But that's ok she is so cute and will always look like a puppy.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New stuff for back yard

Here is our fountain
This is our outdoor fireplace. Rachel is sick with the summer virus. We got the Wii last week so much fun, everybody loves it. Nik got his report cardn he got all threes and fours which is great, 4's are the highest.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My pregnant sister

Here are pics of my sister Kim pregnant she is around 6 months in these pics, little over 3 more to go.

It's just so weird to see my little sister pregnant she looks so happy! My mom and I are throwing her baby shower it is July 27th. It is a boy no name picked out yet.
We are all so excited, I finally get to be an Auntie and spoil him.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nik's end of year school party

Rachel and Nik at his end of year school party this was on the last day of school. Rachel was done already so she came to help out with me.

Nik is a 1st grader and Rachel is a 5th grader! My kids are getting too big. Rachel got all A's and B's on her report card and Nik has not got his yet. Nik's school is officially moving to the Willoughby campus they already starting packing up the school and Lake Erie College bought it and is making it into classrooms and offices. Nik received a best in art show award for his grade and will have his artwork framed and hanging in the new Andrews Osborne for next school year! He also won 1st place in running on Field Day at school! Nik is doing karate camp again this coming week. So I will have a little freedom. Rachel is probably taking a art class this summer and maybe Nik too. For Fathers Day the kids got Jason a nice new wallet and a pocket knife. Nik also made a cute mug for Jason.
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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Girl scouts and sprinklers

This Rachel with her girl scout friends going up to the gazebo in Chardon to get an award. She is the one in the white shorts in the middle.

Here is Nik on Sunday playing in the sprinkler it got to be 92. Since Thursday we have had 90 degree weather and thankfully on Tuesday it is to cool down.
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Thursday, June 05, 2008


These are the nice flowers that I planted in front of our fence.
This is my other flower garden everything is starting to bloom and looking good. Today is Rachels last day of school. Next Thursday is Niks. Nik got best in show in art for his class, looks like we got some artists in the family. Rachel won a award for fluoride helper. And also she will be able to do safety patrol next year only good students can have this honor in 5th grade. To think Rachel will be in 5th grade next year. One more year and she will be in middle school!
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