Saturday, July 28, 2007

Liver biopsy

Friday Jason got his liver biopsy. It got delayed because of an emergency. The doctor said everything with the appearance of his liver looked good. We should know the results of the test on Wed or Thurs. It was a lot more sore than thought, they had to put air in his chest cavity which caused his shoulders to be pretty sore. He is seeming better today and he can return to normal activity today though the staples are getting itchy. He has 2 holes one from the camera and one from the needle. We have decided to add an extra day to our Hocking Hills vacation we will be staying from the 7=10th. Everyone is very excited and can't wait. This week the kids continue their swimming lessons they are doing good. Looks like its going to be a hot week. Jason class ends this week and the next class he is taking is Geography.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Big scare!!!

Well I had a big scare today in Walmart. I thought I lost Nik. I was checking out and almost done and Nik was helping me I went to pay and look up to go and no Nik. So I walk over to the exit where the gumball machines are and no Nik. So then I am getting worried. I walk over to where I checked out and asked them if they have seen a little boy. No they haven't. So the call a Code Ryan and need me to give his description and the announce it over the loud speaker. And shortly after a nice teenaged girl comes over with him. We was playing by the arcade games. I told him how serious this was and that he is not to walk away from me ever again. I think he understands I made him repeat it back later and he did. So hopefully he will stay close to me.
Jason is out of town for a few days he left yesterday afternoon and will be back Thursday night. He went to Virginia for more training for work. Next week the kids start some more swimming lessons again. I also reserved the cabin in Hocking Hills for Aug 7-9. So we will be there for Nik's 6th Birthday. It is a really nice 2 bedroom cabin, with a hottub and also a jacuzzi tub. There also is a nice play area for the kids that they just put in this year and we will see them right from our front porch. We are so excited. I have not been anywhere in so long. The kids are thrilled.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

more karate test pics.


Nik was very proud of himself and he was in a great mood the rest of the night it was so cute.
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Nik passed his yellow belt test!!!


Nik passed his yellow belt test with flying colors. He did so good! I was very impressed. Now he is a yellow belt confirmed. Here is some funny pictures of the kids dressing up. Rachel is being Nik and Nik is being Rachel. Don't they look cute?
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Jason has decided to go ahead with the liver biopsy. The doctor had left it up to him to decide. I know there is something going on with his liver, his liver enzymes went up each month when they took his blood for that 3 months. So hopefully we will know more after this is done. He gets that done July 27th. On a brighter note Nik takes his test for his yellow confirmed belt tomorrow. I will have plenty of pics. Rachel is here this week and its been a hot couple of days reaching 93 the last 2 days. Today is supposed to be the last day of the hot weather. This Saturday my sister, brother and I are helping my mom paint a few rooms of her house, part of her birthday present. Sunday we are going to my grandparents house for a cookout, should be a lot of fun.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Fourth of July

Yesterday we went to a picnic at Jason's uncles house. Later Jason and I took Nik to see the fireworks in Mentor. They were really good! Here is a cute pic of Nik, he looks too big!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Hiking and the beach

This weekend on Friday we went to Nelsons Ledges and went hiking afterwords we went to eat at the country restaurant in Middlefield. Saturday we took a picnic dinner to the beach and went swimming. We had a lot of fun and I think the kids had a nice time. I think we are planning a trip to Hocking Hills in August with the kids. This is a busy week for me with Fourth of July it is my busiest week all year long. My eye is doing better it is starting to turn a yellowish-green. The swelling has went down and it does not hurt anymore. Well have a nice Fourth of July. Jason only works Mon & Tues. but he still has to take his college class at night this week.