Well Kim is getting married today in Costa Rica to Jay. Its kinda sad not being there, but there is no way I could of went. I hope her day is great I know they were planning on having the ceremony outside in the evening if the weather held up. I heard there is a lot of rain out there so will see. I am sick again. I have had a cold the last few days and it wasn't that bad. Then yesterday I woke up with my right ear bothering me like I was starting to get an ear infection again. I had a really severe one a month ago in the other ear. I don't think I have experienced such pain besides child birth. I have drops left over from the last time so I started to put them in yesterday still not improving. It hurts worse than ever but not as bad as last time. I guess if its not better tomorrow I will go to the doctor.
Enough of my ear. Here is a picture of Kim and Jay in Paris where they got engaged. I thought it would be a great picture to post and is one of my favorites of them. I wish Kim and Jay all the good luck and a long happy marriage. We are so happy for them. I will post some pics from their wedding when I get them.